Although the origins of language in the Holocene are unclear, there seems to be a general consensus that languages appeared organically and that they rather emerged than be created. However, through different phases of the Holocene, there were efforts to artificially or even forcefully modify the usage of language.

One of such attempts was a Holocenite individual-created international language that would be used as lingua franca or universal second language and would promote world peace and international understanding. At its peak, it reached to a global community of 2 million speakers, with academies scattered across the planet [1]. Other efforts, which did not reach a larger usage, envisaged other dimensions to this world and mainly focused on the modification of existing languages (by for instance merging lexemes and phonemes from different origins) rather than the creation of a whole language system [2]. Lastly, Holocenite semantic modifications to everyday language are worth revisiting here as well because they give us an idea of the politics and character that contributed to the course of the Holocenites.
The Triangle Company was very interested in documenting everything that posed resistance to the transition into the new.

The Triangle Company subtly inserted their message in the most unexpected places.
Reality-bending language is a practice used to order, manage and control aspects of life. The Second Planetary Wars is one of the first times that the use of this practice by institutional power was formally identified. Diverse documents indicate that everyday language accommodated power interests. A detailed study [3], originally written in clandestinity, compiled the notes of the changes in language that were introduced by the media and gradually into everyday usage.

The author classifies these changes in the following categories:
-Recurrent words
-Euphemisms (Veil words)
-Recurrent expressions and motives

During this late Holocenite period, Speech Code or referred to a formal or informal agreement or order to express issues or aspects in determined ways in official communications by an organization, either political or of any other nature. In the same line, other practices related to this are “lines-to-take”, “talking points”, or “message discipline”. [4]

Later Holocenite leaders would keep using Speech Code, enforcing the use of terms such as “liberation” of another land in lieu of “invasion”, or “enhanced interrogation techniques” instead of “torture”. Numerous leaders avoided naming wars referring to them as “efforts” or “campaigns”. “Tender age shelters” referred to the practice of imprisoning children and toddlers away from their families.

It is worth noting that the very term Speech Code was itself an example of it. As the practice grew, it became so extended, that it gave way to a whole series of terms to refer to it. This expressions, that serve to speak about Speech Code, would be further referred to as Speech Metacode. Some examples include:

-Alternative Facts
-Weasel Words
-Fake News
-Post Truth

This was one of the first steps in the transitional time, in which it becomes apparent that language prescients the material world. Thus this implementation of language-created realities and was the first step toward into the new. In the next stage, the practice was expanded and widely adopted, until the substitution was complete. The objects in this exhibition are the last remains of the transitional time.
Radical transformations in language preluded analogous transformations in the physical world, allowing for the free creation of simultaneous realities.