The seasons, roughly three month cycles, were largely based on temperature changes provoked by the inclination of the planet’s axis, which situated part of the planet closer or farther from the sun’s energy in it’s translation movement. Snow and ice (glaciers) accumulated at the poles, but melted in the late Holocene, when other systems of measurement were adopted.
Clocks. They were instruments designed to measure, count and designate time in conventional units, such as hours, minutes, seconds, etc.) It is mainly use to know the current time acocrding to a widely established convention. It can also measure duration or activate a signal at a given time.
In Ancient Times different kinds of clocks were used, such as water hourglasses. Thanks to Vitruvio’s testimony, we know of air clocks, sun dials and other kinds of which we have now evidence [1]. The origin of the hourglass is unclear, although it has been linked to their use in cathedrals, before the digital networking era. They immediately preceded and contributed to the spatial expansion of the septentrional lands, since they were widely used in sea navigation. Thanks to it,
mapmaking became easier, since the use of granular materials facilitated the determination of distances from a given point with a reasonable accuracy.
Clocks became more useful as they allowed different people to convey a unique time and to mean the same. For a long time, clocks were hosted in religious bases, which acted as social nodes around which people grouped for different daily activities (commerce, worship, etc). Shortly after, clocks attached to the wrist became available, but were not widely used until the First Planetary Wars, when men started using them in the battle field.
A great deal of accuracy was achieved with the Elementary Particles Clock and then later with the last Quantum Clock, thus beating the Mercury Ion Clock, which did not gain nor lose time at a rate that would exceed a second in over a billion years. This has in turned contributed to the
System of Navigation and the Networks of Communication developed by the Advanced Research Tasks Enforcement Bureau of the Confederation of Republics’ Department of Defense. Other rival nations, becoming planetary powers, started developing their own navigation and communication systems, rivaling with the Confederation of Republics.